PM Modi’s “Innovate, Patent, Produce and Prosper” Mantra

PM Modi’s “Innovate, Patent, Produce and Prosper” Mantra

“Innovation is the key to realizing the dream of New India,” says PM Modi. He urged the scientific community to lead India on the path of Innovation and Prosperity.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi, inaugurating the 107th India Science Congress (ISC) said, “India’s growth story will depend on science and technology sector and there is a need to transform this sector; Motto for youngsters must be to Innovate, Patent, Produce and Prosper.”

Examining the key areas of focus, Modi said that India need logical temperament too along with technological development. “This will lead our country towards faster development. If we innovate, we will patent, and that in turn will make production smooth and when we take the products to the country, people will prosper,” added PM Modi.

Innovation is not merely a word, it’s an ongoing process. You can innovate only when you understand a problem and try to find out its solution. We must identify the root of the problem and find out the box of solutions. In this era where knowledge is power, innovation is the driver of growth.

“When I see the young generation busy in innovation with enthusiasm like this, my resolve for ‘New India’ gets stronger. In 21st century will be able to get India the place in the world it deserves. Your energy is the driving force to fulfill the dream of New India,” said Modi.

Modi said the role of science and technology will be enormous in the coming years. “India is at no. 3 in peer reviewed publications. It is growing about 10%while global average is only 4%.” India’s innovation ranking is 48 among 131 economies, it has moved up by 4 positions since 2019.

PM Modi states that his government aims to introduce students at a young age to technology of future such as Internet of things, Artificial Intelligence, Block Chain Technology, Robotics etc. even before they reach engineering colleges.

“We must look for need based innovations and not greed based innovations,” say Prime Minister Narendra Modi.