Telegram to Introduce Video Support to its Voice Chat Feature

Telegram to Introduce Video Support to its Voice Chat Feature

Telegram’s voice chat feature will get a video support which will primarily be set against instant messaging app against the likes of Microsoft Teams, Zoom, and Google Meet. Pavel Durov, founder of the app and CEO on his Telegram channel shared a text mentioning that the new functionality will be added in May, and it will make Telegram a powerful platform for group video calls. Earlier this week, Telegram also announced about some of the new features that were to be introduced along which included features like Payments 2.0, scheduled voice chats, and mini profiles for voice chats, among others.

Durov in his Telegram post mentioned that the app will also get group calls, screen sharing, encryption, noise cancellation, desktop and tablet support – “everything you can expect from a modern video conferencing tool, but with Telegram-level UI, speed and encryption.” Along with it, he shared a short video clip providing a glimpse into the upcoming features.

The video depicted a  large area that displayed the video feed of the person, currently speaking along with it was a list of active participants with a mic button behind each of their profiles. The person speaking has a small animation around the profile image of him. At the bottom of the screen, were three control buttons to mute, turn on/off the camera, and leave the voice chat session.

As mentioned before, Telegram has bought certain new features to its messaging app to make it a better platform and to have a more reach to people. These features include Payments 2.0, scheduled voice chats and mini profiles for voice chats, two new Telegram Web apps, update to Android UI, and improvements to the photos and video viewer within the app. The new update also has an auto-delete timer for messages in any chat, as well as new flexible invite links and faster access to chats. The company mentioned that the updated app might not be available instantly on the Google Play store, but iOS users can update the app through the App Store.